
The land on which Drumoig is created is steeped in historical and botanical interest and great care has been taken to preserve these features. First lived on 5000 years ago and now to be inhabited again brings full circle a natural area for living and enjoying. Preserved too is a unique wetland area in the centre of the golf course which was originally formed at the end of the ice age. Now specially created a Site of Special Scientific Interest it will remain a haven for its rare plants in perpetuity. But Drumoig is also about taking the past to the future and so a beautiful new loch and surroundings, mirroring the wetlands was created to extend the natural attraction of the site.

The creation of the Golf Course and the Housing development has been documented in a fascinating collection of press cuttings from the time, kindly made available by Drumoig's first resident, Myra Milne.
You can view the collection here - The Beginnings of Drumoig 

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