Committee Members
Committee Members

Captain - Alex Jack
Alex is from Motherwell and has lived in East Kilbride and Ayr before moving to Dundee in 2003.  Alex worked for HM Revenue and Customs for 38 years before retiring in 2016. He has been a member at Drumoig since 2004 and has been part of the committee before as handicap secretary and vice captain.   His passion for golf is surpassed only by his passion for rugby, having played for 23 years. 

Vice Captain/Match Secretary - Barry Miller
Barry was born Dundee and is now living in NE Fife. He is married to Linda with 4 children. Barry qualified as a marine engineer and spent 17 years at sea before  becoming an engineering consultant based out of Aberdeen, before retiring 3 years ago..  He has been a member of DGC for 5 years and now spends days golfing, dog walking and DIYing.

Womens Captain – Joanne Cooper-Wijvekate
Joanne is a Dutch National, who grew up in the Caribbean, went to University in the UK and married a Scot. 
During her working life she worked, together with her late husband Jim, in Qatar, Oman, Denmark, Netherlands and Syria. Not much time or possibilities to play Golf. However, since taking early retirement, she has spent a lot of time on the golf course, playing (not so good) golf, but enjoying it immensely. 
Joanne looks forward to representing the Womens section for another year and hopes to maintain, if not grow, the number of active golfing women.

Secretary – Fraser Mackay
Fraser was born in Dundee and spent his working life in food retail retiring in 2004. He is married to Joyce and they have two children.
Fraser joined Drumoig in 1999 and this will be his 16th year on the committee serving under 9 different Captains, he was Captain himself 2006-2007. Fraser and Joyce became residents at Drumoig in Feb 2020 and are enjoying their new home on the golf course.

Treasurer – Mike Watkin
Mike is qualified as a Certified and also a Public Finance Accountant.
Mike came to Scotland in 1988 working for both Forth Valley and Fife Health Boards.   After retirement Mike carried out various investigatory and consultancy work and acted as Treasurer for Thornton Golf Club from 1992 to 2012.
Mike now lives in Barnhill and is also a member at Panmure Golf Club.?

Handicap Secretary – Bob Kelly
Bob was born in Dundee and worked at Dundee College teaching software development for 38 years before retiring in 2021. He started playing golf in 2009 when he became a member at Drumoig. He has developed software in the last few years for the club which now takes the raw data from Scottish Golf and produces the summer and winter leagues on our website.

Seniors Match/League Organiser – Neil Sibbit
Neil has lived and played golf intermittently at Drumoig for over 20 years.  He is also a member of the New Club in St Andrews.   
After a full career in the Royal Navy, Neil retired in 2011 and has since been working as a consultant supporting NATO exercises and training, both at home and abroad. 
Neil has previously held the assistant secretary, handicap secretary, vice-captain and captain roles on the committee. 

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